SAP CRM Web Client Architecture is technically advanced built on netweaver. UI is built up on three different layers.
Business Engine and business Layers are responsible for linking a CRM Business Functionalities within CRM WebClient UI and presentation layer represents main development environment for Web Client UI where single screens can be designed
The business Server Pages (BSP's) are representing the presentation layer of CRM WebClient. They are used to generate the HTML page of CRM WebClient running in the user browser
The business logic of CRM business objects and process are not controlled by the bsps, they are controlled by business layer and business Engine.
Business objects of an CRM Webclient session like business partners, products, transactions, etc. are hold in the Business Object Layer(BOL).
The main framework approach of WebClient UI It is build by the concept of Model-View-Controller.
The MVC - Application is located in third level of a three level client server technology.
The programming model mentioned above is not specific to SAP instead its a generic approach of how to develop a software with a clear separation of business logic and data model and the specific visual presentation of this data
We Distinguish between Model, View, Controller of an application.
Within the application there is a strict separation of reading / changing data,showing data and reacting to user inputs.
Model is a kind of black box entity which contains all necessary methods to get access to business data function.
In case of webclient UI the model corresponds to SAP CRMs Business Layer and Business Engine. All available business objects can be found here.
The views responsibility is to display the data coming from the model and offer an interface to the enduser for working on the data.
The controller is acting as a live intermediate element between a view and a model. It receives and processes user requests, to call certain business functionalities within a model. It receives and processes user requests, to call certain business functionalities within a model and invokes data output with a view.
For example user is pressing a button to get more detailed data shown, controller processes button click, to launch according to business method in model and takes over returning data which will be put into the view for display.
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